Requirement: Android
Frienemy is a tool that is used to show you friends that have removed you from their friends list on Facebook® and also shows you who is looking at your profile most often
Ever noticed that your friends list has shrunk but not been able to figure out which friend has removed you? This app solves that problem. All you have to do is login and authorize this app to use your friends list. Once the app is granted permission by you, it downloads and displays to you your current friends list. Then, on subsequent launches, it will be able to tell if one of your friends is no longer in your friends list by comparison. This way, you can react immediately to the betrayal.
You can also use this application to see which of your friends are paying you the most attention. We call this feature "Stalkers". It shows you a list with your top stalkers in descending order.
Frienemy 2.0 APK UPDATE
Frienemy is now available for Frienemy 2.0 APK for free from Android Market. If you want Frienemy 2.0 APK just download for free from link below. If you don’t have idea about APK then you can follow tutorial how to install apk files to Android phones. This apps requires Android 2.0 or higher.
Download here
Frienemy is a tool that is used to show you friends that have removed you from their friends list on Facebook® and also shows you who is looking at your profile most often
Ever noticed that your friends list has shrunk but not been able to figure out which friend has removed you? This app solves that problem. All you have to do is login and authorize this app to use your friends list. Once the app is granted permission by you, it downloads and displays to you your current friends list. Then, on subsequent launches, it will be able to tell if one of your friends is no longer in your friends list by comparison. This way, you can react immediately to the betrayal.
You can also use this application to see which of your friends are paying you the most attention. We call this feature "Stalkers". It shows you a list with your top stalkers in descending order.
Frienemy 2.0 APK UPDATE
Frienemy is now available for Frienemy 2.0 APK for free from Android Market. If you want Frienemy 2.0 APK just download for free from link below. If you don’t have idea about APK then you can follow tutorial how to install apk files to Android phones. This apps requires Android 2.0 or higher.
Download here
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